Connect With Local Art Galleries

local art galleries

If you are an artist who wants to sell your artwork, one of the best ways to do so is to connect with some local art galleries. When we are referring to local art galleries, we are referring to the type of gallery that sells a mix of art and craft.

All types of art galleries are venues that showcase and sell artworks by various artists, and they can help you reach a wider audience, gain exposure, and earn income from your art. However, connecting with local art galleries is not always an easy step, especially if you are new to the art scene or unfamiliar with the gallery business. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to connect with the right local art gallery to sell your artwork or craftwork.

Do your research.

Before you approach any art gallery, you should do some research on the type of gallery, the kind of artworks they exhibit, and the audience they cater to. You can visit their website and social media pages to get a sense of their style and vision. Importantly do visit the gallery in person to see how they display and promote the artworks, and how they interact with visitors and customers. This will help you identify which galleries are a good fit for you, and which ones are not.

Prepare your portfolio.

Once you have a list of potential galleries that match your artwork, you should prepare a professional portfolio that showcases your best and most recent works. Your portfolio should include high-quality images of your artworks, along with titles, dimensions, mediums, prices, and dates.

You should also include a brief artist statement that explains your background, inspiration, and artistic goals. Your portfolio should be clear, concise, and consistent, and it should reflect your unique style and voice as an artist. If you have a website and social media accounts then have the details included in your portfolio and include any contact details.

Reach out to the gallery.

montague gallery worthing
Montague Gallery Worthing

After you have prepared your portfolio, you should reach out to the gallery to introduce yourself and express your interest in working with them. Check their website first to find out their preferred method of contact. It night be you can do this by sending an email, making a phone call, or visiting the gallery in person. However, you should always be respectful of the gallery’s time and preferences and follow their submission guidelines if they have any. You should also be polite and professional in your communication and avoid being pushy or demanding. Remember that galleries receive many inquiries from artists every day, so you should be patient and courteous while waiting for their response.

If you have the opportunity to visit the gallery in person, then make sure you have your portfolio ready, and do your homework first so that you know about the gallery you are approaching. Being able to talk about the gallery as well as yourself will make a good impression.

Follow up and negotiate.

If the gallery responds positively to your online inquiry and expresses interest in your artwork, you should follow up with them and arrange a meeting or a studio visit. This is an opportunity for you to show them your artwork in person, answer any questions they may have, and discuss the terms of a possible collaboration.

You should be prepared on issues such as commission rates, exhibiting dates, delivery and installation, insurance and liability, promotion and marketing, and contracts and agreements. You may also be required to carry out stewarding duties so be prepared to give up you time.

You should also be open to feedback and suggestions from the gallery staff, as they may have valuable insights on how to improve your artwork or presentation.

Maintain a good relationship.

Once you have established a connection with a local art gallery and agreed to work with them, you should maintain a good relationship with them throughout the process. You should communicate regularly with them, deliver your artwork on time and in good condition, attend any events related to the gallery as required, and make sure any contributions you have to make are in full and on time.

You should also keep in touch with them after the exhibition period is over and seek their feedback on how it went. By maintaining a good relationship with a local art gallery, you can increase your chances of working with them again in the future, as well as getting referrals to other galleries or opportunities.

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